Stand4THEE is volunteer run and 100% supported by the generous donations of Canadian who share our concerns and value the work we do - THANK YOU!
We stand committed to educating and empowering Canadians to stand in their authority and take effective action.
We will continue to work to protect the rights and freedoms of all Canadians.
On Friday, October 11th, Assistant Crown Attorney, Michael Lucifora seeks to criminalize peaceful protesting under the guise of “for your safety.” This is the FIRST of its kind, referred to in legal terms as a TEST case. For whatever reason ‘they’ chose Cullen McDonald to be their guinea pig.
If the crown gets their way, this will set one of the most dangerous precedents in Canadian history and puts us all at risk.
We need YOUR help in two ways to ensure that Canadians NEVER lose our right to freedom of speech and assembly!
1. Please download the public interest letter and send it to the email addresses listed on the document:
2. Please help to spread awareness and to encourage people to attend Mr. McDonald’s appeal at:
ADDRESS: 102 E Main Street in Welland, Ontario
DATE/TIME: Friday, October 11th@9:00AM.
Freedom dies in the dark so let’s shine a bright light on this important case!
Come out, bring your Canadian flags and peacefully assemble!
Let's go, Canada! Let's take back what is rightfully ours and bring back accountability.
The past four years have uncovered unprecedented corruption, overreach and abuse of the judicial system in Canada. We cannot rely on government appointed and paid judges to resolve these issues. The solutions rest with the people!
Let’s bring back the Grand Jury for the WIN! Read more HERE!
Just when things can’t get crazier… have you heard the latest from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)? PHAC has ordered that all C-19 vax-ines in Canada be destroyed. No explanation has been provided other than a new version is being released. Further to this, PHAC is asking the DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) be integrated into the WHO pandemic treaty.
In politics, NDP puppet Jagmeet has broken up with Trudeau. Does this mean a snap election is going to be called soon? The Conservatives have been campaigning for the last year, so all signs are pointing to election! How will Canadians vote?
Cullen’s appeal hearing is not far away! In just a few weeks on Oct 11th we’ll be in Welland to PACK that courtroom in support of Cullen.
Link from the Zoom:
1. News article regarding destruction of old vaccines:
2. PHAC DEI in Pandemic Treaty:
3. Jagmeet breaks up with Trudeau:
4. King v McDonald:
5. Toronto man charged for TIkTok post:
Finally, the thought police are at it again as a Toronto man has been charged for his TikTok posts.
Link to the Zoom replay:
If this school year is anything like the past, your children are going to be subjected to questionable subjects and questionable health measures that infringe on the rights of parents and children.
Let’s connect to look at these pressing issues our children face and discuss actions for parents to take back your authority and protect your children.
Check out the parent info package on our site here:
We have a Mama Bear joining us who is taking on the court challenge in New Brunswick initiated by the CCLA opposing Policy 713. Policy 713, originally designed to keep parents in the dark was updated to ensure parents give consent. Now this is being challenged.
Links discussed in the Zoom:
1. Policy 713 New Brunswick,
2. CCLA challenge of Policy 713,
Watch the replay HERE:
Rebecca shared the incredible corruption she faced during her trial in Mississauga this past week.
On Tues, Aug 20th, Rebecca returned to the Mississauga courthouse to finish the trial for failing to comply with a section 58 the Quarantine Act for not complying with the unlawful demand to perform a PCR test.
It was obvious the JP arrived to the courtroom with a guilty verdict. Rebecca stood up against perjury, bullying, attempted sabotage and intimidation and eventually forced the hand of the prosector to drop the charges.
The actions of the Crown Patterson, JP McLear and Court Admin Polley, are unacceptable and expose the corruption of the court.
Plus get the latest on the battle to save Tommy's home. The province is in for a long battle, they most likely won't win!
Links discussed in the Zoom:
1. Quarantine Act:
2. Contraventions Act:
3. Application of Provincial Laws Regulations:
4. Department of Justice Act:
5. Department of Health Act:
6. Constitution Act:
Watch the replay HERE:
How well do you know the Canadian Government system?
Before going too far into this topic, it’s fair to state that everyone is feeling that there are major concerns in our current world and that change is needed.
However, there is a growing trend to “exit the system” or to create a “new system”. You will hear terms like “de facto” government or fingers being pointed at the Crown as to the cause of the significant local and international issues we are currently facing.
While we can assume that most who hold this viewpoint are sincere and believe this to be the only way, we need to peel back the onion to get an understanding of the bigger picture. This starts with developing a solid awareness of the government framework that makes up Canada.
Let’s start with a few questions that we will discuss as a group:
It’s key that we understand the framework of Canada and the roles of the Government. Through this we will very quickly realize the perversion that has taken place in the house and the legislature. Out of this realization we can look to restore true government and seek accountability.
Links from the discussion:
1. Constitution Act 1867 – 1982,
2. Trudeau Infrastructure Announcement 2020 Toronto, – at the 7:11 mark
3. Amanda Ridding’s Substack,
4. Rules of Civil Procedure, Small Claims,
5. Charter of Rights, Chartepedia,
6. Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Schedule B,
7. Municipal Act, Ontario,
Watch the replay HERE:
There is a lot going on, and we had a LOT to talk about!
First, we’ve been digging around into government ArriveSCAM contracts and well, things aren’t as they seem. Most of you are probably familiar with Botler, the original whistleblower, and GC Strategies contractor currently in the hot seat for ArriveSCAM. What if there were no contracts found for Botler nor CBSA contracts for GC Strategies in the Government database? Wouldn’t that raise an eyebrow given the committee is ONLY focusing on GC Strategies, who has NO history of contracts with the CBSA?
We've been doing forensics and there is a whole lotta mistruths going on in the committee. Here are the findings of this preliminary ArriveSCAM contract research from the Fed government database:
1. Dalian was awarded $8 million in CBSA contracts 2019 - 2023
2. Coradix was awarded a staggering $63 million in CBSA contracts
Note: the entirety of Coradix contracts totals =$1 BILLION DOLLARS IN 10 YEARS
3. BDO awarded $44 million in CBSA contracts from 2020-2024
4. KPMG awarded $973,000 in contracts from 2018 – 2023
6. GC Strategies = ZERO CONTRACTS
Total IT contracts with CBSA in 5 years = $115 MILLION!
All the spreadsheets from these contracts have been archived for your perusing HERE.
If this has piqued your curiosity you can do your own search on the Federal contract database HERE.
Also, a follow up on the Quarantine Act win, R v Fernando that found the PCR test unlawful per section 14.1 of the Act. GREAT news for anyone continuing in court. Yesterday in R v. Szacon the defendant's charges under section 14.1 were dismissed after being arraigned! This means, if you have charges for PCR, request the charges be dismissed if the Crown doesn't.
Finally, we have direction from a process server so let’s discuss as a group the next steps for serving the small claims to the Liberal criminals! Read the rules for service of small claims HERE.
Watch the replay HERE:
We have received a lot of questions on the recent Quarantine Act ruling that found the PCR test for travellers to be unlawful. To clear up these questions, let dig into the decision.
Also, as promised we’ll follow-up on the self-rep zoom this past Monday on how to serve your civil claim to the defendant. The revised overview of the process can be found HERE:
Lastly, what that heck is the Board of Internal Economics (BOIE). We’ll dig into the latest finding and try and make sense of how this Federal board came to be and what’s its true purpose is?
Links from the Zoom:
- Quarantine Act:
Justice Monahan ruling on section 14 of the Quarantine Act on CanLii: CanLii:
- Link to ONE of the Orders in Council for the Quarantine Act:
- Link to the Department of Justice act:
- Link to the Department of Health Act:
- Link to Constitution Act 1867 - 1982:
- Link to Board of Internal Economics:
- List of municipalities passing universal basic income (UBI) motions:
- Link to UBI Bill S-233, still sitting in second reading:
Watch the replay HERE:
In 2022 alone, over 19,000 Canadians refused to comply with the unlawful Quarantine Orders totalling a whopping $15 million in fines and countless hours in the courtroom. Many, despite their best arguments, were convicted and forced to pay thousands of dollars in fines.
The tides are turning friends! On June 26th in the Ontario Court of Justice on appeal, Judge Monahan was compelled to overturn and acquit a fine of $5,000.00 to Ms. Fernando, a traveller who refused to consent to a PCR test. The argument had been brought before the courts countless times; section 14 of the Quarantine Act clearly states that a foreign instrument cannot be inserted into the body as a screening tool and without success.
Chris Weisdorf, (a non- lawyer) presented excellent arguments and Judge Monahan, who is a seasoned Superior Court Judge, agreed and ruled in Chris’ favor and the conviction was overturned!
The following arguments are now cemented in this case law, R. v. Fernando:
- The Justice of the Peace had not addressed the argument under section 14 of the Quarantine Act;
- The Act doesn't allow for the use of PCR as screening test as it's a foreign object entering the body;
- The Quarantine Act specifically says that screening technology maybe used that does not involve entry into the human body;
- The Governor General may not deny entry of a Canadian Citizen into the country when they're entering from a country with a communicable disease when Canada is prepared (which Canada was);
- The PCR test met the Oxford dictionary definition of an instrument;
- The PCR test met the Oxford dictionary definition of a foreign body;
- The Order in Council did not expand the powers to health agents;
- Pre-arrival tests performed in other countries were not part of this ruling;
- The refusal was lawful and should not have been found guilty by the Justice of the Peace.
In addition to this win, If you were charged AFTER Oct 26, 2021, you might want to consider firing up your appeal application!
On Mon, April 22nd during Rebecca's trial for failing to do the PCR test at Pearson Airport it was discovered that the Public Health Agency of Canada screening and quarantine officers were failing to follow the rules in the Quarantine Act.
The PHAC screening officers are REQUIRED to follow these sections of the Quarantine Act... instead, the PHAC screening officers and the PHAC quarantine regional managers made a unilateral decision to disregard the requirements set out in section 16(1)(b) of the Quarantine Act.
Quarantine Act: Screening technology14 (1) Any qualified person authorized by the Minister may, to determine whether a traveller has a communicable disease or symptoms of one, use any screening technology authorized by the Minister that does not involve the entry into the traveller’s body of any instrument or other foreign body.
Obligation to inform16 (1) A screening officer shall immediately inform a quarantine officer, and follow any directive of that officer respecting the traveller, if (b) a traveller has refused to be screened by the screening officer under subsection 14(1), or a person authorized to use the screening technology has informed the screening officer that a traveller has refused to be screened under that subsection;
The PHAC officers had ONE job... to administer the Quarantine Act in its entirety. They were not there to decide which parts of the act to exclude, that is above their pay grade.
What does this mean for the rest of us? First, it confirms WE CAN WIN in the court. Second, it solidifies that those responsible for enforcing law are obligated to follow the law!
If you are still battling charges for refusing the PCR test when returning to Canada this is your new argument! If you WERE convicted, you need be EXONERATED and your money returned to you!
Links from the Zoom:
- Link to CanLii to request the ruling be uploaded; Here is the link to Canlii: - Case info: Name of court, board or tribunal - Ontario court of justice Case name - Peel Region Date of decision - Wed, June 26, 2024 Docket or file number Name of judge or adjudicator - Judge Monahan
- Link to Cullen's fundraiser to buy transcripts for his appeal and legal consultation, the most significant cases in Canada today;
- Fund raiser for Byron Carr,
- Link to Industry Advisory Table: Link to advisory table,
Watch the replay here:
We are hosting the next The AGENDA session date to be announced!
Zoom link:
This “tax” arises from the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act tabled under the Budget Implementation Act in 2018 by Liberal MP, Bill Morneau (now retired).
- Canada only emits 1.5% of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG);
- Only 27 countries out of 195 have implemented a carbon tax;
- This tax was implemented as part of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, New York on May 9, 1992, which entered into force in 192 signed by Brian Mulroney;
- There was no public consultation nor referendum to allow the government to implement a foreign agreement/policy under the United Nations;
- This is unconstitutional as per Part III, section 9 of the Constitution Act states that the executive authority of the government is to be vested in the Crown, NOT the UN!;
- The BIG plan is to get to NET-ZERO EMISSIONS BY 2050. This will impact EVERY area of our lives and will drastically INCREASE the cost of living on everything we buy!
- Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act,
- Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act, https://laws-lois.jus
- Downloadable creative for sharing/printing and presentation deck:
- Paid assets,
Download and print the information flyer to hand out at rallies, HERE
The Online Harms Act, introduced formally as Bill C-63, will result in the most significant expansion of Canada's hate speech laws and create one of North America's most rigid regulatory environments for media and social media companies. Link to the act:
Below is a snapshot of many of the dangers of this Act:
-The Bill would create a new process for Canadians to report instances of online speech directed at them is discriminatory, with a quasi-judicial tribunal ordering fines up to $50,000, and up to $20,000 paid directly to the complainants, who could remain anonymous. Findings weighed on a “balance of probabilities” rather than the criminal standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt;
- would increase the maximum sentence for “advocating genocide” from 5 years in prison to life in prison - words alone could lead to life imprisonment;
- Would allow judges to put prior restraints on people who they believe may commit speech crimes in the future;
- Would require social media companies to “minimize the risk that users of the service will be exposed to harmful content” with the threat of massive fines if they don’t properly mitigate the risk;
- These threats of human rights complaints / fines for Canadians and social media companies will directly impact freedom of speech as a whole.
There is still time to take action! This bill is only in the first reading and already it's not had a warm response. Let's put pressure on our MPs. Contact your MP and tell them to say NO to this bill and copy bill sponsor, Minister of Justice (the irony here) and Attorney General of Canada, Arif Virani.
Arif Virani's constituency office contact:
1596 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON M6P 1A7
Telephone: 416-769-5072
Fax: 416-769-8343
Find your MP HERE
Source; Canadian Constitution Foundation
Have you sent in your letter to the Senate? If not, what's stopping you?
We have crafted a letter to remind the Senators of the Oath they took, their obligation to protect our sovereignty and the requirement for them to resign if colluding with foreign entities. Given the state of our country, they need a reminder of their oath and to know we are keeping an eye one them.
First download the Senate letter and the senate emails document, and then copy, paste and hit send!
You can find the Senate Letter HERE.
Resources to protect your child from medical overreach and SOGI indoctrination.
Battling Quarantine Tickets? Check out the resources to help you build your defense!
Read more on 15-Minute Cities and download the progressive NOL that you can serve to your mayor or your councillor.
Use the form templates to block your personal information (medical, social, EI, etc.) from being shared to various agencies.
Ready to use self-serve templates to use as recourse for harms caused to you due to the emergency measures. Includes zoom recordings.
We have compiled a long list of legal provisions in Canada and Ontario to protect your right to privacy, body autonomy and live free of discrimination.
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